Izuku at the western entrance of Chiken Gusuku. Along with the reception and transmission of water in Tamaki, it is known as the birthplace of rice cultivation, where Amamikiyo planted rice for the first time in this area.

Exit the back gate of Chiken Gusuku and go down the cobblestone slope to the Chinen Ōkawa River.

It is said that this place was once a Iizumi attached to Chiken Gusuku. The water source is located deep in the limestone cliffs. In the "Ufukaru" behind Iizumi, there is a legend that Amamikiyo, the creator god of the Ryukyu, brought back rice from heaven and cultivated it for the first time in this area.

One step higher in front of you is the temple that is the place of worship. Together with the receiving and sending of water from Tamaki, it is said to be the birthplace of rice cultivation.

The King of the Ryukyu Empire made a pilgrimage accompanied by the Prince of Okinawa, and even today many worshippers visit from all over the island of Okinawa.