Sung in Okinawa's oldest collection of songs, Omorosaushi, Gusuku has a beautiful stone arch gate at the main gate and back gate. Tomui Nutaki in the castle is a place of worship around the East Palace.

An old gusuku that was sung in Okinawa's oldest song collection, Omorosaushi, as "Chie Ne Mori Gusuku".

It consists of two castles: an old castle built of natural stone and a new castle built of ashlar with arched gates.

There is a tradition that the old castle was built during the time of the Tenson clan, and the new castle was built during the reign of King Shoshin.

Inside the castle is a low stone wall, which is a sacred place for the eastern world.

Outside the castle, there are old houses scattered across the cobblestone street, and the remains of the tomb of Chinen Aji and the Chinen Noro mansion remain.

Chinen Gusuku is characterized by complex buildings from the Middle Ages to the modern era that can be seen inside and outside the castle, and recent surveys have unearthed artifacts such as earthenware, imported ceramics, coins, metal products, and bones, mainly from the 13th to 15th centuries.

MAPCODE: 232 562 833

The location of the map code will be the parking lot.