Teahouse on the beach

A healing coffee shop located by the sea. High tide

Aim for the best cafe time.

2-1 Tamaki, Tamaki, Nanjo City


10: 00-19: 00 (LO)

* Open from 14:00 on Monday

No regular holiday

MAPCODE: 232 469 491

15 minutes drive from Kafuwa Nanjyo.


Business hours may have changed. Be sure to check on SNS, website, etc. in advance.

The coffee shop of cure where I pause on the side of the sea.A high tide.

I aim, and it's finest cafe time.

Nanjo city Tamaki letter Tamagusuku 2-1


10: 00-19: 00 (LO)

* It's run more than 14:00 on Monday.

Days Closed: I don't have that.

MAPCODE: 232 469 491

It's a car more than Kafuwa Nanjyo, 15 minutes.